Campsite Baško Polje




Guest reviews


Reviews from our guests




Leider waren die Resturants zu. Supermarkt hatte auch nicht mehr bis zum Schluss offen. Sehr schade, dass so ein toller Campingplatz nicht noch den Oktober als Urlaubsmonat mit nimmt. Man hatte das Gefühl, der Campingplatz wird etwas vernachlässigt. Hoffentlich darf er noch lange bestehen und vielen Familien einen Urlaub in dieser schönen Anlage mit der Naturbelassenen Umgehen ermöglichen. Einfach ein Traum, im Vergleich zu den umliegenden Hotelanlagen.

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04 Oct 2022

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Ein in die Jahre gekommener Campingplatz Jedoch sauber und gepflegt, teilweise zum Abbruch verdammte Bauwerke die Lage ist top die Strände toll

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24 Sep 2022

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Leider waren die Resturants zu. Supermarkt hatte auch nicht mehr bis zum Schluss offen. Sehr schade, dass so ein toller Campingplatz nicht noch den Oktober als Urlaubsmonat mit nimmt. Man hatte das Gefühl, der Campingplatz wird etwas vernachlässigt. Hoffentlich darf er noch lange bestehen und vielen Familien einen Urlaub in dieser schönen Anlage mit der Naturbelassenen Umgehen ermöglichen. Einfach ein Traum, im Vergleich zu den umliegenden Hotelanlagen.

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04 Oct 2022

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Ein in die Jahre gekommener Campingplatz Jedoch sauber und gepflegt, teilweise zum Abbruch verdammte Bauwerke die Lage ist top die Strände toll

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24 Sep 2022

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How reviews work

Everything you need to know about reviews

How is the average score determined?

The average review scores of campsites, pitches, mobile homes and glamping tents are shown on our camping portal on a scale from 1 to 5. The average score is determined by adding up all the scores we receive and then dividing them by the total number of reviews received.

Which categories are rated

In the review form you can rate the campsite where you stayed in a total of 5 categories: staff, location, value for money, WiFi and facilities. Shortly after checking out from the accommodation (3 days) you will receive an e-mail with the link to the review form. You can only leave a review if you have actually stayed in the accommodation -- this is how we ensure the authenticity and thrustworthyness of our reviews.

Satisfaction with our services

In addition to the accommodation, we will also ask you to rate your satisfaction with our reservations centre and how likely you are to recommend our mediation services to other guests.

When will the reviews be published on the website

After you submit your review and we receive it, our quality team will check if the review is in line with our guidelines. If everything is in line with our guidelines, the review will be published on our website.

When reviews are not published

We strive to publish every review we receive, regardless of whether it is positive or negative. However, there are some cases in which we cannot publish the review. If the review contains offensive or unacceptable language (swear words, incitement to violence, political comments, advertising, personal details or first and last names of accommodation staff, references to illegal activities, etc.), it will not be published on our site i.e. the score may be published, but not the comment containing the above examples of undesirable content.

Translations of reviews

As an additional service, we offer the option of translating your review into other languages that we support on our website. We use Google Translate for this. Please note that this is a machine translation and we cannot rule out the possibility of errors in the translation. We therefore cannot accept any responsibility for the translations. In the event of complaints based on reviews, only the original language will be taken into account.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are lots of questions on your mind before setting off on holiday. In order for you to get the answers you need before your trip, we bring you the most frequently asked questions and their answers.
The most frequently asked questions are for informative purpose only. Due to periodic updates by the campsites, exceptions are possible.

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Fully flexible booking

Due to the uncertain travel situation, it is important to book flexibly. At AdriaCamps you can cancel this accommodation free of charge up to a few days before your arrival.